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KY - 8
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KY - 8 The KY-8 was one the of the NESTOR family of crypto devices strictly for vehicle mounting. They were bulky, quite heavy and mostly unreliable, but in it's heyday, it was about the only portable SECVOX (secure voice) system available to the military for use in the field. Numerous quantities were issued to the various US forces -- Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine personnel and hauled through many a battle.

Joe Martin, expands on this, "This piece of equipment played a key role in the EC-47 missions in
Southeast Asia, of which I was a part for most of 1970-71. We (the USAFSS Morse intercept operators) passed the target call sign, location, and other relevant info to the ASA troops on the ground via KY-8 or, God forbid, by "one time" pad if the secure voice failed. A KY-8 malfunction was not cause for abort, but nobody looked forward to having to use the pads. In 270+ missions, I recall having to do it only once.

This is the KYB-6/TSEC base unit, an assembly of TSEC/KY-8. (Photo provided by Brooke Clarke/George Mace).